Stay at the private home of Domaine Serene proprieters Grace & Ken Evenstad and enjoy a multitude of exclusive experiences in the Côte d’Or of Burgundy, France.
Many experiences claim to be “once in a lifetime,” but this trip to Chile to taste wine, take in the
area’s beauty and culture, and, most amazing of all, experience a total solar eclipse, truly earns
the title.
Whether your idea of the perfect long weekend involves first class airfare, luxury accommodations, exclusive VIP access to a world-renowned jeweler or strolling the streets of one of the world’s most exciting cities, we’ve got you covered.
This package is iconic in the truest sense of the word. - taking in the very best of South Africa and staying at three legendary properties that rank among the world’s very finest.
The lucky winners of this lot will be flown in Rombauer’s private jet to the Sierra Foothills, home of the winery’s new tasting room and some of California’s oldest and most revered zinfandel vines.
Galileo observed, “Wine is sunlight, held together by water,” and this lot of 15 bottles of both red and white Burgundy is proof. Among them are several premier and grand cru vintages you’ll want to savor with the people you love best.
Win this mind-blowing package and you will be the ONLY two people seated on stage at Lady Gaga’s Jazz and Piano show at the MGM Resort in Las Vegas on May 10, 2020.